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  • Updated for December 2024
  • Based on 2024 NV commercial driver's license manual

Free Nevada CDL Air Brakes Test 2024

Today, you will have the opportunity to practice for the Nevada CDL air brakes exam – the necessary qualification for receiving a CDL without a restriction for vehicles with air brakes. Passing this exam will allow you to drive a larger range of vehicles and make you more valuable to potential employers. The information for the questions is taken directly from the Nevada Commercial Driver License Manual, and the format (multiple-choice) is designed to prepare you for the real exam so that you will be ready. Each question has a hint as well as an explanation, which you should read carefully so that you can learn more about the subject matter and have a better chance of answering future questions correctly. Good luck on this practice exam, take it as often as necessary to achieve a perfect score, and drive safety both now and with your new air brakes qualification!

  • Perfect for first-time and renewal CDL/CLP applicants, and those adding endorsements

What you need to know

9 min to complete
Available in EN and ES
Verified by Steven Litvintchouk, M.S., Chief Educational Researcher, Member of ACES. See our detailed commitment to accuracy and quality in our practice tests.

What to expect on the actual NV DMV exam




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List of questions (classic view)

  1. Which of the following are true about a dual air brake system?
  2. Which vehicles must have low air pressure warning signals?
  3. How can you tell if your vehicle is equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS)?
  4. What is the best way to test your vehicle's low air pressure warning signal?
  5. Under which conditions are front wheel brakes good?
  6. Which of the following will be true about your brake function if your anti-lock braking system (ABS) fails?
  7. How would you check your truck's slack adjusters?
  8. Slack adjusters are
  9. When should you drain your air tanks?
  10. Why must you pass a knowledge test on air brakes?
  11. The purpose of a supply pressure gauge is
  12. Which of the following should you do before leaving your vehicle unattended?
  13. After the initial drop, the maximum acceptable leakage rates per minute are
  14. How do brakes work on a long, steep downgrade?
  15. Spring brakes are
  16. An anti-lock braking system (ABS)
  17. If the air tanks are not drained,
  18. Which of the following is NOT part of the air brake system?
  19. What is the best way to test if your vehicle's spring brakes come on automatically?
  20. Which of the following can cause brakes to fade or fail?
  21. Which of the following is NOT part of the braking process when you're driving a tractor-trailer combination vehicle with an anti-lock braking system (ABS)?
  22. When should you use the parking brake?
  23. The tractor protection valve
  24. At what measurement is the safety valve USUALLY set to open?
  25. Which of the following is NOT part of the drum brake?
  26. The low air pressure warning signal will come on before the pressure in the air tanks falls below
  27. A low pressure warning signal is required on
  28. All vehicles equipped with air brakes have
  29. With air brake-equipped vehicles, the parking brakes should be used
  30. The use of air brakes on a downgrade is only a supplement to the
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